Public Function DConcat(strDataSource As String, _ strConcatenateField As String, _ strDelimiter As String, _ ParamArray aFldVal() As Variant) _ As String '************************************************************************* 'DConcat() 'Written by Azli Hassan, '© Azli Hassan, ' 'Updated (5/6/2018): Can now pass a single WHERE string to aFldVal ' as you would with regular domain aggregate functions. 'Updated (5/26/2018): Added option to specify string to use as delimiter ' 'PURPOSE: To concatenate all the values of a field in a ' table or query that meets the grouping of the ' calling query ' 'ARGUMENTS: ' 1) strDataSource [String] ' - Name of table/query that field to be concatenated is in ' - May also be an SQL string to be used to set a recordset. ' 2) strConcatenateField [String] ' - Name of field to be concatenated. ' 2) strDelimiter [String] ' - String to use as delimiter (seperator) between value. ' 4) aFldVal() [Array] ' - An array of GroupBy fields and their values. ' Must be pass from the query in a repeating order of ' Field name (as a string), then the Field value, and so on ' By default, concatenated values are ordered ascendingly. ' If you need a particular sort order then you'll need to ' pass a single WHERE and ORDER BY SQL statement to aFldVal(). ' 'RETURNS: Concatenated string of UNIQUE values of concatenated string ' where data sources fields match the calling queries groupings ' 'TIP: Remove or Comments out the Debug.Print statements ' AFTER you understand how the function works. '************************************************************************* On Error GoTo ErrMsg: Dim Db As DAO.Database, _ rst As DAO.Recordset, _ fldConcatenate As DAO.Field Dim strParamArray As String, _ lngNumOfElements As Long, _ blnIsNumeric As Boolean Dim strSql As String, _ strSELECT As String, _ strFROM As String, _ strWhere As String, _ strCRITERIA As String Dim blnText As Boolean Dim strAdd As String 'Check that table/query exists in current database 'IsTableQuery() - If Not IsTableQuery("", strDataSource) Then Dim rstTemp As DAO.Recordset Set rstTemp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strDataSource) If rstTemp.BOF And rstTemp.EOF Then GoTo ExitHere rstTemp.Close strFROM = "FROM (" & Left(strDataSource, Len(strDataSource) - 1) & _ ") as myDataSource " Else strFROM = "FROM " & strDataSource & " " End If Set Db = CurrentDb() Set rst = Db.OpenRecordset(strDataSource) 'Check that table/query has data If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then GoTo ExitHere 'Check if parramarray is empty If IsEmpty(aFldVal) Then DConcat = "#ERR-EmptyParramarray" End If 'Check if only 1 thing was passed to parramarray. 'If so, then assume the whole WHERE string was passed. If LBound(aFldVal) = UBound(aFldVal) Then 'Only 1 element was passed strWhere = "WHERE " strWhere = strWhere & CStr(aFldVal(LBound(aFldVal))) strWhere = strWhere & ";" Else 'More than 1 thing passed 'Get number of elements in parramarray If LBound(aFldVal) = 0 Then lngNumOfElements = UBound(aFldVal) + 1 Else lngNumOfElements = UBound(aFldVal) + 1 End If 'Check that paramarray has even number of elements If lngNumOfElements Mod 2 <> 0 Then Exit Function Dim i As Long For i = LBound(aFldVal) To UBound(aFldVal) Step 2 blnIsNumeric = IsNumeric(aFldVal(i + 1)) Select Case blnIsNumeric Case True strParamArray = strParamArray & "'" & aFldVal(i) & _ "', " & aFldVal(i + 1) & ", " Case False If IsDate(aFldVal(i + 1)) Then strParamArray = strParamArray & "'" & aFldVal(i) & _ "', #" & aFldVal(i + 1) & "#, " Else strParamArray = strParamArray & "'" & aFldVal(i) & _ "', '" & aFldVal(i + 1) & "', " End If End Select Next i strParamArray = Left(strParamArray, _ Len(strParamArray) - Len(", ")) Debug.Print "DConcat('" & strDataSource & _ "', '" & strConcatenateField & "', " & _ strParamArray & ")" For i = LBound(aFldVal) To (UBound(aFldVal)) Step 2 blnText = (rst.Fields(aFldVal(i)).Type = dbChar) Or _ (rst.Fields(aFldVal(i)).Type = dbMemo) Or _ (rst.Fields(aFldVal(i)).Type = dbText) Select Case blnText Case True strCRITERIA = "[" & aFldVal(i) & "] = '" & _ aFldVal(i + 1) & "'" Case False If rst.Fields(aFldVal(i)).Type = dbDate Then strCRITERIA = "[" & aFldVal(i) & "] = " & _ "#" & aFldVal(i + 1) & "#" Else strCRITERIA = "[" & aFldVal(i) & "] = " & _ aFldVal(i + 1) End If End Select strWhere = strWhere & strCRITERIA & " AND " Next i strWhere = "WHERE (" & strWhere strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - Len(" AND ")) strWhere = strWhere & ");" End If 'Create SQL String to select distinct records 'that match the query's "GroupBy" values 'e.g. SELECT DISTINCT Reference ' FROM tblData ' WHERE ((ProductID=2211) AND (Description="10�F 15V")); strSELECT = "SELECT DISTINCT " & strConcatenateField & " " strSql = strSELECT & strFROM & strWhere Debug.Print strSql Set rst = Db.OpenRecordset(strSql) 'Check that SQL recordset has data If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then GoTo ExitHere rst.MoveFirst 'Set recordset field Object Set fldConcatenate = rst.Fields(strConcatenateField) 'Loop through ALL the records 'in the SELECT DISTICT recordset While Not rst.EOF With rst If DConcat = "" Then 'First value If Not IsNull(fldConcatenate) Then DConcat = fldConcatenate End If Else If Not IsNull(fldConcatenate) Then strAdd = strDelimiter & fldConcatenate If InStr(1, DConcat, _ strAdd, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Only add if unique DConcat = DConcat & strAdd End If End If End If End With rst.MoveNext Wend ExitHere: On Error Resume Next rstTemp.Close rst.Close Db.Close Exit Function ErrMsg: DConcat = "#ERR" & Err.Number Debug.Print "Err.Number = " & Err.Number & _ ", Err.Description = " & Err.Description Resume ExitHere End Function Function IsTableQuery(DbName As String, TName As String) As Integer '******************************************************** ' FUNCTION: IsTableQuery() ' ' PURPOSE: Determine if a table or query exists. ' ' ARGUMENTS: ' DbName: The name of the database. If the database name ' is "" the current database is used. ' TName: The name of a table or query. ' ' RETURNS: True (it exists) or False (it does not exist). ' '******************************************************** Dim Db As DAO.Database, Found As Integer, Test As String Const NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION = 3265 ' Assume the table or query does not exist. Found = False ' Trap for any errors. On Error Resume Next ' If the database name is empty... If Trim$(DbName) = "" Then ' ...then set Db to the current Db. Set Db = CurrentDb() Else ' Otherwise, set Db to the specified open database. Set Db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DbName) ' See if an error occurred. If Err Then MsgBox "Could not find database to open: " & DbName IsTableQuery = False Exit Function End If End If ' See if the name is in the Tables collection. Test = Db.TableDefs(TName).Name If Err <> NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION Then Found = True ' Reset the error variable. Err = 0 ' See if the name is in the Queries collection. Test = Db.QueryDefs(TName$).Name If Err <> NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION Then Found = True Db.Close IsTableQuery = Found End Function