001. How to backup your PC's Driver:

        Use DriverMax.

002. How to copy a CSS protected DVD-5 or DVD-9 to a blank 4.7GB DVDR(W).

003. Hot to copy PSOne CD.

004. How to remote control your PC with internet assess anywhere using P2P technology.
        Use TeamViewer.   (Download TeamViewer Enterprise 9 Portable here, full version)

        Similar Programs (but not as good as TeamViewer, my opinion only): CrossLoop / Hamachi / RealVNC / TightVNC / UltraVNC

005. How to remote control your PC anywhere in the world by using a browser:

        Use VNC or RemotelyAnywhere.

006. Windows2000XP2003系统万能Ghost全攻略

007. Convert FAT to NTFS

008. 利用SysprepGhost完美备份WinXP

009. To patch a SNES ROM with Game Genie code (permanently):

        Use Ucon64 in DOS command prompt type: 
        ucon64 --gg=GG_CODE ROM (supported are: Game Boy/(Super GB)/GB Pocket/
            Color GB/GB Advance/Sega Master System (II/III)/Game Gear (Handheld)/
            Game Axe (Redant)/SNES/NES/Super Famicom/Famicom)        
        One code at a time.
        For example to patch a SNES ROM Super Earth Defense Force with Game Genie
        code to have unlimited shields, in the DOS command prompt type:
        ucon64 --gg=C263-6FAF sedf.ufo

010. To use a SNES ROM in Super UFO 8 or SF 7:

        First, do a Checksum/CRC Repair fix by use inSNESt. In DOS Command Prompt type: insnest h SNESROM
        Second, apply Game Genie code (use Ucon64) if you want to: ucon64 --gg=GG_CODE ROM (Optional)
        Last, convert the SNESROM to SF 7 by inSNESt. In DOS Command Prompt type: insnest c SNESROM
        ([Copier Type] choose Professor SF II/Game Doctor SF 7)

011. To convert the SNESROM to SF 7 to use in Super UFO 8 or SF 7 by use inSNESt. In DOS Command Prompt type: insnest c SNESROM
        ([Copier Type] choose Professor SF II/Game Doctor SF 7)

012. To return the top 3 records in SQL. SELECT Top 3 * from TableName where ... Order by...

013. To select top 3 passed courses for each student:

        SELECT * FROM Grade AS Q WHERE SSN & Termcode & Course & Grade in (Select Top 3 SSN & TermCode & Course & Grade from Grade
        Where Q.SSN=Grade.SSN and CrErn>0 order by SSN, TermCode, Course, Grade) ORDER BY SSN, TermCode, Course, Grade;

        To select top 2 passed math courses: SQL

014. Leaning Microsoft Access Site (applecore

, smsconsulting, Jamie, TPS, bizwareint, Tony, DHD, AS, rotinsoft, Ken, mphillipson, dataovertheweb, Pedro)

015. How to running total using SQL?                       Link1                  Link2

016. Access ADODB Recordset:
               Dim rs As Recordset
               Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
               rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
               rs.Open "TableName", , adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

017. How to make a bootable Flash disk: Use FlashBoot.

018. How to use GRUB4DOS: See Link. GRUB4DOS is an universal boot loader based on GNU GRUB. It can boot off DOS/LINUX, or via Windows boot manager/syslinux/lilo, or from MBR/CD. It also has builtin BIOS disk emulation, ATAPI CDROM driver, etc.

019. Sample GRUB4DOS menu.lst:
              title GreenGhost [Ghost v11]
              map --mem (fd0)/gghost.img (fd0)
              map --hook
              chainloader (fd0)+1
              rootnoverify (fd0)

              title Acroni True Image Echo Enterprice Server with Universal Restore [v9.7]
              map --mem (fd0)/trueimg.iso (hd32)
              map --hook
              chainloader (hd32)

020. How to convert WMA to MP3: Use Switch Audio File Converter v2.01.

021. How to fix Error 1324, the path My Pictures contains a invalid character:
regedit, [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders], change My Picture, right hand side, to c:\Documents and Settings.

How to fix Error 1324, The path My Documents contains a invalid character:
regedit, [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders], change Personal, right hand side, to c:\Documents and Settings.

022. How to logon Windows Vista as Administrator: (1) Open the command prompt with Administrative privileges by opening the Start Menu, and typing cmd in the search box, and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter or click the Start orb, All Programs, Accessories, right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator. (2) Type the following in the command prompt and press Enter after: net user administrator /active:yes (no for disable administrator account). (3) Restart your computer and logon as Administrator.

023. How to logon Windows 7 as Administrator: (1) Open the command prompt with elevated privileges by clicking the Start orb, All Programs, Accessories, right-click Command Prompt and then select Run as administrator. (2) Type net user administrator /active:yes (no to disable administrator account). (3) Restart or log off your computer and log in as Administrator.

024. How to copy FLV file (like copy YouTube video): Use Free YouTube Downloader (best) or VDownloader or go to www.flvxz.com or www.flvcd.com.

025. How to make long URL short: Go to http://tinyurl.com/

026. How to buy China product online: Go to www.panli.com

027. How to convert sound file: Use Switch Sound File Converter or...

028. How to record sound: Use Free Sound Recorder or Easy Hi-Q Recorder.

029. Find IP listening:
        c:\>netstat -a
              TCP ... ... LISTENING

030. Windows 7: How to fix empty on All Program.

Root Cause: It seems that Windows 7 doesn’t currently like having too many shortcuts/folders in the Start Menu/Programs folder. With something close to 70+’ish shortcuts/folders in the combined All Users & User Start Menu/Program folders (common in an upgrade scenario) the All Programs list will end up being blank/empty.


Resolution: Move a number of shortcuts/folders from Start Menu/Programs into a new subfolder, like Start Menu/Programs/Stuff, and then restart Windows Explorer.


(01) Left click on Start Menu

(02) Right click on the All Programs.

(03) Left click on open all users (p).

(04) Double left click on the Programs folder.

(05) Create a new subfolder called “A” (no quotes, and you can name it whatever you want too)

(06) Select a bunch of the folders/shortcuts and drag (i.e. move) them into “A”

(07) Ctl+Alt+Del, Start Task Manager, go to the Processes tab, select “explorer” and then click on the “End Process” button. This will kill the explorer process, taskbar, start menu, etc. This step is very important. Unless you restart Windows Explorer your results (i.e. what you see in All Programs) will not be reliable. Believe me, I’ve found this out after many false starts. Make a change, kill and restart Explorer. Wash, rinse, repeat…

(08) Now in Task Manager, select the File menu, Run submenu (N).

(09) Enter “explorer” (no quotes) and click OK. This will restart Explorer, and the taskbar.

(10) Try your All Programs now… If enough things have been moved, you should be good!

(11) If you’re All Programs is still empty, then repeat the above steps in the All Users Start Menu folder (i.e. the “Open All Users” menu choice when you right click on “All Programs”)

(12) Now you can also begin to move stuff back up from Stuff into the Programs folder as need be. Remember to end/run Windows Explorer during this process. If/when your All Programs go blank again; you now know how to fix it...


or click here.

031. CombineGrade_Code_180_90 | TempCode_180_90 | CombineGrade_Code_192_112

032. How to Fix Windows 7 No Sound Problem: See Link and Link. (Drive the Life download)

033. How to Activate Windows 7: See Link to use Windows Loader V2.2 (Download Here) or OEM7F5 Win7 Activation. (Download Here)

034. How to edit WIM file: For example to edit BOOT.WIM file, you will need to use WimTool.WimTool is written in Chinese due to it is written by a Chinese guy.



035. 微软封装工具ImageX的应用及实例介绍

036. 如何使用ImageX进行数据的备份

037. Ghost下岗 ImageX也能玩转一键还原

038. How to remove U3 Launchpad on PC.

039. Schedule Award 09-10 Pell EFC Function.

040. To round up a number to a whole number (example: 2.1 convert to 3, 2 convert to 2, -2.3 convert to -2, etc.): INT(-Num / 1) * (-1)

041. To convert 9 or 8 or 7 digits number to SSN format (example: 123456789 convert to 123-45-6789, 23456789 convert to 023-45-6789, 3456789 convert to 003-45-6789, etc.):

        In Excel: IF(LEN(A2)=9,LEFT(A2,3)&"-"&MID(A2,4,2)&"-"&MID(A2,6,4),IF(LEN(A2)=8,"0"&LEFT(A2,2)&"-"&MID(A2,3,2)&"-"&MID(A2,5,4),IF(LEN(A2)=7,"00"&LEFT(A2,1)&"-"&MID(A2,2,2)&"-"&MID(A2,4,4))))
        In Access:
IIF(LEN([Social Security])=9,LEFT([Social Security],3)&"-"&MID(([Social Security]),4,2)&"-"&MID(([Social Security]),6,4),IIF(LEN([Social Security])=8,"0"&LEFT(([Social Security]),2)&"-"&MID(([Social Security]),3,2)&"-"&MID(([Social Security]),5,4),IIF(LEN([Social Security])=7,"00"&LEFT(([Social Security]),1)&"-"&MID(([Social Security]),2,2)&"-"&MID(([Social Security]),4,4))))

042. How to batch rename files: use ReNamer (Link or Link).

043. How to set up a static IP address.

044. Gammadyne Mailer 40 Setup (example). Send Delivery: Choose Direct delivery. SMTP server name: [Blank]. SMTP server port: 25.  Choose No authentication required.

Database data source setup: Data source choose MS Access Database, click Register, choose MS Access Database, click Setup(C), select the database, confirm, confirm.

045. How to remap USB Controller or Joystick Keys: Use JoyToKey 5.2.1. (If it doesn't work, run it as administrator).

046. How to remap Keyboard, Joystick, or Mouse keys : May use AutoHotKey. (Need a little programming but so powerful).
047. Email Merge: Use mail merge to send personalized e-mail messages to your e-mail address list. (Link).

(01) Start Word.
(02) On the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, click Start Mail Merge.
(03) Click E-Mail Messages.
(04) On the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, click Select Recipients.
(05) Do one of the following: If you want to use your Contacts list in Outlook, click Select from Outlook Contacts.
Tips for working with the Microsoft Outlook Contact list. If you have a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet, a Microsoft Office Access database, or another type of data file, click Use Existing List, and then locate the file in the Select Data Source dialog box.
(06) Create the document.
(07) On the Mailings tab, click Finish & Merge, and then click Send E-mail Messages.
(08) In the To box, select the name of the field that stores recipients' e-mail address.
(09) In the Subject line box, type a subject line for the message.
(10) In the Mail format box, click HTML or Plain text to send the document as the body of the e-mail message, or click Attachment to send the document as an attachment.     
048. How to connect a ps3 controller to a Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1?
049. How to attach a VMDK file to VMware Workstation 9:
In VMware Workstation 9 ==> Click "File" ==> New Virtual Machine... ==> Choose "Typical" ==> Choose "I will install the operation system later." ==> Choose "Guest operation system" ==> Location ==> Choose "Store virtual disk as a single file" ==> Click Finish. ==> Right click on the VM that just created Choose "Setting..." or on the menu choose "VM ==> Setting..." ==> Click "Hard Disk" ==> Remove the old Hard Disk ==> Click Add...==> Hard Disk ==> Use an existing virtual disk ==>Browse the VMDK File ==> Click Finish.
050. How to install Chinese program in English Windows 7. 英文版win7之中文乱码3步解法.
(1) Start ==> Control Panel ==> Clock, Language, and Region ==> Region and Language ==> Click Administrative Tab ==> Click Change System Locale ==> Choose Chinese (Simplified, PRC) ==> OK ==> OK.
(2) Start ==> Enter regedit ==> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Language ==> In last 2 lines on the right hand side, "Default" and InsallLanguage" change to "0804" (default is "0409") ==> Confirm and Save.
(3) Start ==> Enter regedit ==> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International ==> "Locale" change to "00000804" (default is "00000409") == Confirm and Save.

1. Download Root Package. For other Android system, you can check here to download Root Package.
2. Extract files from the archive to your PC.
3. Double-click on the Odin executable file and it will launch.
4. In the Odin, click on PDA and select the Root File (.tar.md5).
5. Turn OFF your Android device.
6. Reboot the device into Download mode. This can be done by pressing and holding Volume UP + Power buttons together. (Some device will need to press and hold volume DOWN + Power buttons together).
7. Once inside the Download mode, connect the device to your PC via USB cable.
8. Uncheck the Repartition box if it’s checked. Hit the Start button and it will begin rooting the device.
9. It will take some time to root the device, be patient. And you are rooted now!
Brilliant! Your device has been successfully rooted and you now have the ability to install root-only apps on your device.

Also See YouTube Video Tutorial: How to root Galaxy Tab 2, fast and easy.
052. How to Root ICS on AT&T Samsung Galaxy S2 SGH-i777
053. How to Root U.S. and Canada Galaxy S3 AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint/US Ceullar! [Fail-Proof][Noob-Proof]
054. How To Root Galaxy Note 10.1! [Easiest Method][CWM][Method 2][ICS/Jelly Bean]
055. How to use a PS3 Controller on your PC: Download and Install MotioninJoy 0.7. | MotioninJoy 安装教程-版本0.6.0003 | Installing MotioninJoy V6 Instruction  | MotioninJoy 实现按压在PCSX2下完全模拟PS2手柄 | Pressure Sensitive Buttons in PCSX2 | Bluetooth Dongle Compatibility with MotioninJoy | Ultra Mini Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Dongle (Fully Compatible with MotioninJoy) | Chinese Web Site: 魔炫电玩 | MotioninJoy 视频教程 |
056. How to use the myMC tool to import/export saves from PCSX2.

This is just a very basic tutorial on using a great tool called myMC to put saves on your PCSX2 memory card, or get them off of it.

Possible uses:
Transfer that awesome save that you just downloaded off of GameFAQS into your PCSX2 memory card.
Transfer your PCSX2 saves to a real PS2.
Transfer your real PS2 saves to PCSX2.
Many other cool things...

This will be a basic tutorial, and it will assume you have at least some knowledge of the basic terminology used. Also it will not go in depth on how to transfer the files to/from your PS2, because there are many ways to do it.

Optional steps: Obtain some wicked saves from GameFAQS, your own PS2, or some other place. Create and format a new blank memory card in PCSX2 to house your saves.

Step 1. Backup the PCSX2 memory cards you will be working with!
If something bad happens and all your work is lost, well that would suck! It is important to not try to edit your memory cards while PCSX2 is running. Bad things will happen!

Step 2. Download the current Windows release version of myMC HERE.

Step 3. Extract the zip file to a directory you can remember.

Step 4. Launch mymc -gui from the folder you just put it in.

Step 5. myMC will immediately ask you for a memory card to work with. Navigate to your PCSX2 directory ("c:\program files\PCSX2 1.0.1\memcards\" or similar) or wherever your memory card is, choose your card and click Open. Note that if myMC complains that errors occurred and instructs you to see the log file, you will need to do an extra step. See below in that case. If it is properly opened you will see the save files currently on the card, or an empty window if the card is empty.

Step 6. Where we go from here depends on whether you are putting saves in, or taking them out:

*Importing saves into a PCSX2 memory card:
Note: myMC will not allow you to overwrite saves on the PCSX2 memory card. You can however delete saves using File -> Delete. Oops for missing that the first time around >_<
Assuming you have your save extracted and know where it is, simply click File -> Import, locate and select the save and click Open. That's it. The save should appear in the list and you can now close myMC, launch PCSX2 and enjoy!

*Exporting saves from a PCSX2 memory card:
In the list of saves currently on your memory card, click on the one you would like to extract. Click File -> Export, and choose a location to place the extracted save.
In the "Save as type" drop down box, choose a format. myMC only supports .psu and .max for exporting. PSU is a format originally created by HKEMS for a game save transfer device.
This format preserves all of the PS2 specific flags and timestamps that may be in the save. This format can also be read by the PS2 Homebrew application uLaunchElf. MAX is a format used by Action Replay cheat devices. If you need some OTHER format, export the file as .psu and see the step below. Once you've got the save extracted, do whatever you want with it. Upload it to GameFAQS, email it to a friend, transfer it to your PS2 etc. Thanks to dlanor for information on the PSU file format!

*Converting exported saves to other formats:
Go HERE and grab PS2 Save Builder if you don't already have it.
Extract the zip file and launch PS2 Save Builder.
Click File -> Open and choose the save you would like to convert, then click Open. Choose File -> Save As... and in the "Save as type" drop down box, choose a format to save to.
Click Save and you're done. You can now use this file in whatever way you like.
057. Mymc, PCSX2 memory card utility

mymc is a public domain command line utility for working with PlayStation 2 memory card images (.ps2) as used by the PlayStation 2 emulator PCSX2. It allows save files in the MAX Drive (.max), EMS (.psu), SharkPort (.sps), X-Port (.xps) and Code Breaker (.cbs) formats to be imported directly into these images. It can also export save files in eiter the MAX Drive and EMS formats.This requires a way to run uLaunchELF (FMCB, Swap Magic, etc.) and a PS2 compatible flash drive.

To transfer a save from your memory card to PCSX2:
1.Run uLaunchELF and hit Copy on the memory card save folder you want to export.
2. Use the psuPaste function anywhere on your flash drive.
3. On your computer, run mymc-gui.exe and open your PCSX2 memory card.
4. Hit the Import button, and select the .psu file from your flash drive.
Note: There is no "Save as"/"Cancel" or anything here, it is done as soon as you hit Import.

To put a save onto your PS2 memory card:
1. Run mymc-gui.exe and open your PCSX2 memory card file.
2. Select the save you want to transfer and hit Export.
3. Save it as a .psu file type on your flash drive.
4. On the PS2, run uLaunchELF and hit Copy on the .psu file on your flash drive
5. Use the mcPaste function in the memory card's root.
058. To join/merge video/music files: Use Format Factory Portable 3.2.1 Advance Feature.
059. How to Print .PDF Files: Use doPDF from www.dopdf.com. This program installs to your computer as a virtual printer, allowing you to print documents to it -- by saving them in the PDF format -- instead of to an actual printer. DoPDF gives you two options for converting documents: by using the doPDF driver or by using the doPDF start-up window.
060. 解决EditPlus在设置了UTF-8之后,编写的HTML页面仍出现汉字乱码问题

The way work for me: In HTML, right after <head> added <meta charset = "gb2312"/>

    <meta charset = "gb2312"/>
    <title> ... </title>
061. 全民K歌上传MV的方法

1、手机上打开全民K歌,找到想唱的歌曲,点击我要K歌,把歌曲唱完后保存。歌曲会保存到localSong文件夹中。路径是 /phone/Android/data/com.tencent.karaoke/files/localSong/ 或 /sdcard/Android/data/com.tencent.karaoke/files/localSong/(存放歌曲和MV的地方)。建仪把localSong文件夹设置快捷方式方便以后访问。方法是长按logcalSong文件夹可选择它,然后点击右上方的3点,选择添加快捷方式。
062. 怎样下载encoreTVB上的电视剧?到目前为止只发现用Apowersoft Video Download Capture可以下载。
063. The best YouTube downloader that can download the whole playlist: YouTube By Click.
064. How to Clone Raspberry Pi SD Card on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
065. Backing up and Restoring your Raspberry Pi's SD Card.
066. How to Clone Your Raspberry Pi SD Card for Super Easy Reinstallations. [Using Win32 Disk Imager]
067. How to backup/clone Raspberry Pi SD card on Windows? [Using PartitionGuru]
068. How to Install Ubuntu 18.04 Alongside With Windows 10 or 8 in Dual Boot
069. 唱歌对人体有什么好处
070. How to Block An Application from Accessing the Internet with Windows Firewall.

Windows 10 ==> 开始 ==> 设置 ==> 网络和Internet ==> Windows防火墙 ==> 高级设置 ==> 出站规则 ==> 新建规则...
或:开始 ==> 设置 ==>  更新和安全 ==> Windows安全 ==> 防火墙和网络保护 ==> 高级设置 ==> 出站规则 ==> 新建规则...
071. How to reset Windows 10 password at command prompt if you forgot your login password.
072. How to create sub reports in CampusVue. [PDF]
073. Fix: SQL Server Management Studio 18.0 won’t open – only splash screen

Replace the “Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll” in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies” with the copy from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Interop” and then try. It should work.
074. 觧决小鸡模拟器Fatal Error的方法:Right click icon > Run as administrator
075. How to convert "LastName, FirstName" to "FirstName LastName".
Name Functions. Example: "LastName, FirstName" convert to "FirstName LastName".

Public Function LName(t As String) As String
   k = ""
   a = Trim(t)
   leng = Len(a)
   For i = 1 To leng
      p = Mid(a, i, 1)
      If p = "," Then
         Exit For
      End If
      k = k & p
   LName = Trim(k)
End Function

Public Function FName(t As String) As String
   k = ""
   a = Trim(t)
   leng = Len(a)
   For i = 1 To leng
      p = Mid(a, i, 1)
      If p = "," Then
         j = Right(a, leng - i)
      End If
   FName = Trim(j)
End Function

Public Function FLName(FName, LName) As String
   FLName = Trim(FName & " " & LName)
End Function
076. How to Enable and Disable Network Connections in Windows.

        Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings > In the Network Connections screen, right-click select Disable > The icon for the connection turns grey to show that it is disabled. If prompted, confirm the action, or enter an admin password if you're not logged in as an administrator > The internet connection is disabled.
077. How to Enable a Network Connection in Windows.

        Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings > In the Network Connections screen, right-click select Enable > If prompted, enter an admin password or confirm the action > The icon turns green to show that the connection is enabled.        
078. How to Edit the Host File on Windows.

        Run Notpad as Administrator (type "notepad" in search area right side to Start > right click Notepad > click run as Administrator) to to open the Host File in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
079. How to View Hidden Passwords Behind Asterisks in Chrome and Firefox.
080. How to make an Acronis True Image 2020 Bootable USB from Acronis True Image 2020 Bootable ISO.

       Use Rufus. All options are choose default.
081. How to show Boot Menu on Acer Laptop if F12 Boot Menu is not enable.

       (1) Press F2 for BIOS.
       (2) Go to Main Menu.
       (3) Enable F12 Boot Menu.
       (4) Press F10 Save and Exit.
       (5) It will restart. Press F12 while starting for Boot Menu.
082. How to show Boot Menu on CyberPower PC.

       Press F11 while starting PC.
083. How to uninstall an app in Windows 10.

       Start > Settings > Apps > Choose the app you want to uninstall > Click Uninstall
084. How to Change the Disk Signature of a Drive Without Losing Existing Data or Reformatting.

        However, it could cause Windows 10 crash.
085. How to format a drive (SD Card, USB Drive, HDD, ect) to FAT32 under Windows 10? May use AOMEI Partition Assistance.
086. 怎样用立帮电子Win10PE网络版Ghost Win10 [如雨林木风Ghost Win10] 到电脑或虚似机。

       (1) 用立帮电子Win10PE网络版Bootup电脑。可以用RufusUltraISO写ISO入U盘。用U盘Bootup电脑。
       (2) 双击PG分区大师(Partition Guru) > 快束分区 > 自定义盘数。分区表类型有两种,MBR或GUID。如选MBR则点选重建主引道记录(MBR)。如选新型的GUID则点选创建新ESP分区和创建MSR分区。
       (3) 分区好则格式(Format)分区。指派新的驱动器号(盘符)。建以指派为C:盘。
       (4) 可以Ghost Win10到电脑或虚似机了。双击备份还原 > 选取Ghost镜像还原到C:盘或其它盘 > 还原后重新启动。
       (5) 如不能Bootup安装则再用立帮电子Win10PE网络版Bootup电脑 > 点开始 > 选取糸统引导修复来修复电脑。
087. Chrome毒霸网址大全怎么删除?

       (1) 先把捆绑安装的毒霸等软件全部卸载掉,然后启动驱动精灵,找到百宝箱。
       (2) 找到浏览器设置。
       (3) 点击解除锁定,到这里就算完成了,然后去手动修改你原本的设置就好了。
088. How to batch Change/Edit formular in Excel.

        (1) Highlight the Cells you want to change/edit formular.
        (2) Hit Ctrl + H to bring up Find and Replace.
        (3) Find and replace the content you want.
089. How to find out whether student is enrolled in a Theme or not in Access.

        Step 1: First find out UDate: IIF([SchoolStatus]="Leave of Absence", Date(), IIF([SchoolStatus]="Graduate",[GradDate],[LDA]))
        Step 2 Method 1: ThemName: IIF([UDate] >= #1/6/2020# and [ExpStartDate] <=#2/9/2020#, 1,0)
        For Example: 20T1: IIF([UDate] >= #1/6/2020# and [ExpStartDate] <=#2/9/2020#, 1,0)
        Step 2 Method 2: ThemeName: IIF(([ExpStartDate]<=#ThemeStartDate# And [UDate]>=#ThemeStartDate#) Or ([ExpStartDate]<=#ThemeEndDate# And [UDate]>=#ThemeEndDate#),1,0)
        For Example: 20T1: IIF(([ExpStartDate]<=#1/6/2020# And [Udate]>=#1/6/2020#) Or ([ExpStartDate]<=#2/9/2020# And [UDate]>=#2/9/2020#),1,0)   
090. How to login to CampusVue SQL Server.

        Server type:      Database Engine
        Server name:    SQLCUST6
        Authertication:  Windows Authentication
091. How to download and install GoToConnect APP.
092. Access: How to unduplicated count number of students in the program.         (PDF)
093. Excel: How to unduplicated count number of students in the program.         (PDF)         (Excel)         (Referance)
094. How to count unique values in Excel an easy way.         (PDF)        (Referance)
095. How to fix Windows 10 cannot access New 3DS XL MicroSD card via 3DS miscroSD Management.

        1. In Windows 10 search bar search for Windows Features
        2. Find SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support
        3. Expand the Folder
        4. Uncheck SMB1.0/CIFD Automatic Removal. Check SMB1.0/CIFD Client and SMB1.0/CIFD Server.
        5. Click OK and restart
        6. After doing this you can connect to the New 3DS XL microSD management just fine and move files around.

        May also do the following:

        In Windows settings > click on ''Network & Internet'' >  find the Ethernet or Wi-Fi(depending on your connection) tab > select ''change adapter options''. There you'll find your internet adapters > Right-click on the one you are using and go to Properties. There's a list of items there > Find ''Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)'' and click on the highlighted Properties button > click Advanced and then, the WINS tab. On the bottom, you'll find three choices for NetBIOS. Please make sure ''Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP'' is selected, otherwise SD Management won't work.

But, anyway, above way doesn't work well. It may drop connection so often and too slow when transfering files. The better way to do it is:  Remove the Cover Plate on your New Nintendo 3DS XL by using a #0 cross-head (+) screwdriver > You will see the MicroSD Card > You may change it with a larger size MicroSD card (Example: a 128GB MicroSD Card). Need to format the new MicroSD Card to FAT32 (AOMEI Partition Assistant can do so). Copy all files from the old MicroSD Card to the new MicroSD Card. Put it back to your New Nintendo 3DS XL > You can take out the MicroSD Card and put in your PC for file transfers. Enjoy!
096. How to Play SNES/NES/GBA Games on New 3DS XL with New Super Ultimate Injector/CIA to 3DS Conversion (YouTube). Download New Super Ultimate Injector for 3DS v0.26 (Beta 26) by Asdolo.
097. CampusVue ISIRs are saved in SQL Server table name [CampusVue].[dbo].[FaISIRSparseData].
098. How to update the Luma3DS manually and update the 3DS Firmware safely (YouTube).
099. Where to download Nintendo Swicth Roms: nsw2u.org or SOFTCOBRA.
100. Sample Database for Book <<Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming in T-SQL & .NET>>: asset5.zip (Asset5.mdf, Asset5_log.ldf)
        To Install: Login to SSMS > Right-click on Database folder > Select Attach... > Click Add... > Browser Asset5.mdf file.
101. Using Dynamic SQL with Example: Link1     Link2
        -- Example code:

        USE [live_45]

        CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_example]
        DECLARE @value varchar(20)
        SET @value = 'State'
        DECLARE @sql varchar(5000);
        SET @sql = 'Select StudentName, StuNum, ' + @value + ', Zip ' + 'FROM dbo.MSLS'
        Exec (@sql)  
102. Introduction to Temporary Tables in SQL Server
103. SQL Server Custom Stored Procedure custSP_EnrolledYear sample code: custsp_enrolledyear.sql.txt
104. Count Unique Text Values with Criteria.
    Genderal Formula: {=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(criteria,MATCH(vals,vals,0)),ROW(vals)-ROW(vals.first)+1)>0))}
    Work with Multiple Criteria: {=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF((criteria1)*(criteria2),MATCH(vals,vals,0)),ROW(vals)-ROW(vals.1st)+1)>0))}
    For example table above need to find out numbers of unique students sign EA in 2021Q2 quarter.
    Formula in Excel 2016: {=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(EASignQtr="2021Q2",MATCH(StuNum,StuNum,0)),ROW(StuNum)-ROW(B2)+1)>0))}
Note: this is an array formula and must be entered with [Control] + [Shift] + [Enter].
  A B C D
1 StudentName StuNum EnrollNum EASignQtr
 2  LastName, Jon 112543 EK1254 2021Q2
 3  LastName, Jon 112543 PE1350 2021Q2
 4  LastName, Jim 102456 JI1254 2021Q1
 5  LastName, Jim 102456 TV1245 2021Q2
 6  LastName, Lim 100215 WF2103 2021Q2
 7  LastName, Jason 125453 PP1245 2021Q2
 8  LastName, Tom 145968 LM1245 2021Q1

    Formula: = COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER(StuNum, EASignQtr="2021Q2")))
    Result = 4
105. 怎样解除淘宝屏蔽海外用户。

     Step 1: Run QuickFox (VPN to China).
     Step 2: Run TemperMonkey with 解除淘宝屏蔽海外用户脚本 in Browser(Chrome or Firefox or Edge or Safari).
     Setp 3: Go to 淘宝 shopping.
106. How to login as Administrator in Windows 10.

     By default, Administrator account is hidden in Windows 10, to activate it: Click search > Type cmd > Right click Command Prompt > Click Run as administrator > Type net user administrator /active:yes > Now Windows 10 Administrator account is active but no password protected. Type net user administrator * to change the password (optional) > Logout or restart to login Windows as Administrator.

     LINK: Easy way to login as Administrator in Windows 10.
107. How to switch from Administrator to user in Windows 10.

     Click Start at the most bottom left side > Click user that you want to switch to (vice versus).
108. How to fix Oralce Databse 12C Installation Issue [INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed on Windows 10 Pro.

     If login to Windows as user (may not work). May not able to install if login to Windows as user, may need to login to Windows as Administrator.
     (1) check if RemoteExecService.exe *32 is running from your temp location. For example C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice. Hit [Ctrl + Alt + Delete] to bring up menu > Click Task Manager > Click Services > Right click oraremservice and/or oraremservice2 > Click Stop to stop the services.
     (2) Delete the folder in C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice.
     (3) Right click on C: Drive > Click Property > Click Security > Make sure the proper user has full control access right.
     (4) Make sure the path has no weird Characters > Right click on Installation Path > click property > click Security > Make sure the proper user has full control access right.
109. How to fix Oracle Database 21C Installation Issue [INS-35180] Unable to check for available memory on Windows 10 Pro.
     If login to Windows as user (may not work). May not able to install if login to Windows as user, may need to login to Windows as Administrator.
     (1) check if RemoteExecService.exe *32 is running from your temp location. For example C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice. Hit [Ctrl + Alt + Delete] to bring up menu > Click Task Manager > Click Services > Right click oraremservice and/or oraremservice2 > Click Stop to stop the services.
     (2) Delete the folder in C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice.
     (3) Right click on C: Drive > Click Property > Click Security > Make sure the proper user has full control access right.    
110. How to fix Oracle Database 21C Installation Issue [INS-13001] Oracle Database is not supported on this operating system. Installer will not perform prerequisite checks on the system and [INS-30014] Unable to check whether the location specifies is on CFS on Windows 10 Pro.
     If login to Windows as user (may not work). May not able to install if login to Windows as user, may need to login to Windows as Administrator.
     (1) check if RemoteExecService.exe *32 is running from your temp location. For example C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice. Hit [Ctrl + Alt + Delete] to bring up menu > Click Task Manager > Click Services > Right click oraremservice and/or oraremservice2 > Click Stop to stop the services.
     (2) Delete the folder in C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice.
     (3) Make sure the path has no weird Characters > Right click on Installation Path > click property > click Security > Make sure the proper user has full control access right.   
111. Oracle Database 21C Installation Step by Step.

     If login to Windows as user (may not work). May not able to install if login to Windows as user, may need to login to Windows as Administrator.
     Right click setup.exe [Example setup.exe in C:\app\WINDOWS_X64_213000_db_home > Click Run as administrator > Click Yes > Select Create and configure a single instance database > Click Next > Select Desktop class > Click Next > Select Use Virtual Account > Click Next > Oracle base: c:\app > Database file location: C:\app\oradata > Enter and confirm password > Click Next > Click Install.    

    If login to Widows as Administrator. Look at item 106 above to see how to login as Administor in Windows 10.
    Double click setup.exe [Example setup.exe in C:\app\WINDOWS_X64_213000_db_home > Select Create and configure a single instance database > Click Next > Select Desktop class > Click Next > Select Use Virtual Account > Click Next > Oracle base: c:\app > Database file location: C:\app\oradata > Enter and confirm password > Click Next > Click Install. (IF IT DOES NOT WORK TRY AGAIN) 
112. How to convert GradDate to GradAY in SQL Server.

     SQL: trim(str(IIf(Month([GradDate])>=7,Year([GradDate]),Year([GradDate])-1))) + '-' + right(trim(str(IIf(Month([GradDate])>=7,Year([GradDate])+1,Year([GradDate])))),2) as GradAY
113. 4 Ways to Calculate a Running Total With SQL.
114. How to count distinct / unique values in Excel.
115. How to count distinct / unique values in Excel an easy way (with Excel 365 or Excel 2021).
116. COUNTIFS Unique Values in Excel (3 Easy Ways).
117. Countifs + Multiple Criteria + Distinct Count
118. YouTube: How to use Power Pivot in Excel.
119. How To Count Unique Values in Excel With Criteria.
120. How to uninstall Oracle Database 19c on Windows 10.

     YouTube Link | Link2 | Link3
121. Excel formula LIKE, AND, IF, WILDCARDS.

     Wildcards aren't recognised with comparison operators like =, for example if you use this formula =A1="*&*" that will treat the *'s as literal asterisks (not wildcards) so that will only return TRUE if A1 literally contains *&*.

You can use COUNTIF function, even for a single cell, e.g.


That will return 1 if A1 contains &, so for your purposes:

122. RetroArch: How to fix "Configuration File" option missing in RetroArch Main Menu. Cannot save setting without it.

     In RetroArch go to Setting > User Interface > Show Advance Settings: On
123. How to Install VirtualBox 6.1 Guest Additions (Linux VM) on Oracle Linux 8. [To fix Modprobe Vboxguest failed]

     In Terminal type: sudo dnf install kernel-uek-devel-$(uname -r) gcc binutils automake make perl bzip2 elfutils-libelf-devel
     then, click Devices in Menu > Insert Guest Addition CD image...
124. How to setup auto replies (out of office) in Outlook.

     1. Open Outlook.
     2. Click on the File tab in the upper left-hand corner, then select Automatic Replies (Out of Office) on the next screen.
     3. Select “Send automatic replies”
     4. Enter in your desired automatic reply message.    
125. MS Access: DConcat function - Concatenating field values for multiple records matching a query's GROUP / SORT BY or WHERE clause. 

126. How to use Oracle's LISTAGG function with a unique filter.

     SELECT group_id, LISTAGG(name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name) AS names
     FROM (
            SELECT UNIQUE
            FROM demotable
     GROUP BY group_id   
     SELECT FieldA, STRING_AGG(FieldB, ',' ORDER BY FieldB) AS FieldBs
     FROM TableName
     GROUP BY FieldA
     ORDER BY FieldA;    
128. Excel Distinct Count Using FREQUENCY (Worked on Excel 2016 and newer version of Excel).
     Example 1: =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(EASignQtr=$C$1,MATCH(StuNum,StuNum,0)),ROW(StuNum)-ROW(Formulas!$A$2)+1)>0))

     Example 2: =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(TRIM(Enrolled.ProgramDescrip)=TRIM(A2),MATCH(Enrolled.StuNum,Enrolled.StuNum,0)),ROW(Enrolled.StuNum)-ROW(FY2021Enrolled!$A$2)+1)>0))  

     Example 3: =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(TRIM(FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$A:$A)=TRIM($A2),MATCH(FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$C:$C,FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$C:$C,0)),ROW(FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$C:$C)-ROW(FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$A$2)+1)>0))   
129. Excel Distinct Count Using UNIQUE (Doesn't work on Excel 2016. Work on Excel 2021 and Office 365).

     Example 1: =IFERROR(ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(FY2021Enrolled!$C:$C,TRIM(FY2021Enrolled!$A:$A)=TRIM($A2)))),0)

Example 2: =IFERROR(ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$C:$C,TRIM(FY2021EnrolledLoan_A!$A:$A)=TRIM($A2)))),0)
130. How To Get Started Selling Electronics From eBay to Amazon.            Link2
131. Your First 5 Items To Sell From eBay to Amazon FBA.
132. SQL: How to find the last valid ISIR.

     SELECT a.*, Left(a.TransactionID, 3) & "-" & mid(a.TransactionID, 4,2) & "-" & mid(a.TransactionID, 6,4) as SSN,
     Right(a.TransactionID,4) AS Tran, int(a.PEFC) AS EFC
     FROM 2223ISIR AS a INNER JOIN (select PrintID, Max(TransactionID) as MaxTransactionID
     FROM 2223ISIR WHERE PEFC is not null group by PrintID) AS b
     ON (a.PrintID = b.PrintID) AND (a.TransactionID = b.MaxTransactionID);
133. Tutorial how to import from Excel to Access.
134. Tutorial how to export from Access to Excel.
135. Excel: Count unique text values with criteria
136. SQL: To find out when a student previously took the course. Running so slow in ACCESS. Run a lot faster in SQL Server.

     FROM FinalGrade AS a
     WHERE (a.StuNum = b.StuNum) AND (a.CatalogCode = b.CatalogCode) AND (a.LetterGrade not in ('X', 'WF')) AND (b.StartDate > a.StartDate)) AS PrevTookDate
     FROM FinalGrade AS b;
137. How to Lookup Nike UPC Code.

    (1) Go to nike.com look for sales. Tips: Use BeFrugal or TopCashback to get 8% cash back.
    (2) Under Google Chrome Browser: Ctr+U or right click and click "View page source" > Click check the Line wrap box on the uper left corner > Ctr+F search for "gtin" (UPC).
    (3) Now you can search UPC on Amazon Seller Central (Find your products in Amazon's catalog).
    (4) Note: Shopwss / Target search for "barcode". Nike.com / Sam's Club search for "gtin". StockX / Foot Locker search for "upc". Al's Sporting Goods search for "ean".
138. How to find and understand your Amazon Sales Tax Report.
139. 2 Ways to Solve Duplicate Transactions on Amazon Sales Tax Report.
140. How to Get Tax Exempt on Amazon/BestBuy/Ebay/Walmart.
141. How to obtain an Amazon Combined Sale Tax Report: Go to Amazon Seller Central > Click the Hamburger for Menu > Reports > Tax Document Library > Click Generate a Tax Report > Report Type: Combined Sales Tax Report > Select reporting range > Click Generate
142. How to edit PDF files.
     Use PDF-Xchange Editor.
143. How to Use the SQL RANK OVER (PARTITION BY).

     YouTube: Rank, Dense Rank and Partition By
     YouTube: PARTITION BY, RANK and DENSE RANK - SQL Analytical Functions
     YouTube: PARTITION BY, RANK() and DENSE_RANK() - Extended Coverage
144. RANK (Transact-SQL)
145. YouTube: SQL SUM() Analytical Function - Running Totals with Partition By
146. How to see SQL code in CampusVue: If you have System Admin access, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard, the letter Z, and then click on the Preview button.